%0 Generic
%A Boeije, Chris
%A Zitha, Pacelli
%A Pluymakers, Anne
%D 2023
%T REFLECT deliverable 1.3: Summary of gas solubility and degassing kinetics (type A)
%R 10.4121/29de09ed-1b71-4bd1-b4ee-347a9481c34e.v1
%K Degassing
%K CO2
%K Geothermal
%K Fluids
%K Energy
%X <p>This data publication contains research data associated with the European Union's Horizon 2020 REFLECT project which aims to obtain data relevant to the production of geothermal waters at extreme conditions. Results given here are part of REFLECT deliverable 1.3: Summary of gas solubility and degassing kinetics (type A). A link to the deliverables of this project is given below as reference. It contains experimental results from the degassing process of CO2-water mixtures at conditions relevant to the production of geothermal waters. Part of the results discussed here have also been published in a journal article in Physics of Fluids (see description below for details)</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData