%0 Generic %A Qin, Weilun %A Govers, Rob %A Barlow, Natasha %A D'Acquisto, Mario %A Riva, Riccardo %D 2024 %T Supporting data for the paper "Bridging Paleoseismic and Geodetic Observations for the AD 1700 Cascadia Earthquake with an Earthquake Cycle Model" %U %R 10.4121/268bb608-098e-4461-9552-9f3a19b467b2.v2 %K Cascadia subduction zone %K earthquake cycle %K interseismic velocities %K megathrust rupture %K AD 1700 Cascadia earthquake %K finite-element model %X

This repository contains the model input mesh file and model data output files for the figures in the main body of the paper "Bridging Paleoseismic and Geodetic Observations for the AD 1700 Cascadia Earthquake with an Earthquake Cycle Model", by Weilun Qin, Rob Govers, Natasha L.M. Barlow, and Riccardo E.M. Riva submitted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters.

For the finite element meshes of the numerical models, we utilized the mesh generator program Gmsh (Geuzaine & Remacle, 2009). For visualization, we employed the Generic Mapping Tools (Wessel et al., 2019) and Microsoft PowerPoint. The finite element modeling package, GTECTON, is available for scientific use upon request to R. Govers (r.govers@uu.nl). 

For more information regarding the model geometry and output, please contact W. Qin (w.qin@tudelft.nl).

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