%0 Generic %A Colussi, V.E. (Victor) %A Kurkjian, H. (Hadrien) %A van Regemortel, M. (Mathias) %A Musolino, S. (Silvio) %A van de Kraats, J. (Jasper) %A Wouters, M. (Michiel) %A Kokkelmans, S. (Servaas) %D 2020 %T Cumulant SNEG Codes %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Cumulant_SNEG_Codes/12763751/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:720f48bc-e64e-47e1-8910-09f6832a09bb %K Cumulants %K Quantum Gases %K SNEG %K Second Quantization %X This program is linked to the article V.E. Colussi et al. "Cumulant theory of the unitary Bose gas: Prethermal and Efimovian dynamics". It verifies the cumulant equations of motion Eqs. (46--50) and (124--135). It includes also J. van de Kraats, "Cumulant expansion for an ultracold quantum gas",TU/e Bachelor thesis 2019. Contact details: v.colussi@tue.nl / Hadrien.Kurkjian@uantwerpen.be %I 4TU.ResearchData