%0 Generic %A Kotian, Varun %A Irmak, Tugrul %A Happee, R. (Riender) %A N de Winkel, Ksander %A Pool, Daan %D 2022 %T Amplitude and Temporal Dynamics of Motion Sickness Dataset %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Amplitude_and_Temporal_Dynamics_of_Motion_Sickness_Dataset/18133973/1 %R 10.4121/18133973.v1 %K Motion Sickness %K Simulator %K Mathematical Modelling %K Sensory Conflict %K Stimulus Amplitude %K Forecasting %K Power-law Scaling %X The relationship between the amplitude of motion and the accumulation of motion sickness in time is unclear. Here, we investigated this relationship at the individual and group level. 17 participants were exposed to four oscillatory motion stimuli, in four separate sessions, separated by at least one week to prevent habituation. Motion amplitude was varied between sessions at either 1, 1.5, 2 or 2.5 ms<sup>-2</sup>. Time evolution was evaluated within sessions applying: an initial motion phase for up to 60 minutes, a 10-minute rest, a second motion phase up to 30 minutes to quantify hypersensitivity and lastly, a 5-minute rest. <br><br>Experiment data includes MISC, MSSQ, magnitude estimates of discomfort and Verbal Quantifiers along with the ages and biological genders of the participants. the structure of the data can be found in the README.txt file. The method of data collection and type of data can be found in the linked journal paper(DOI: 10.3389/fnsys.2022.866503)<br> %I 4TU.ResearchData