%0 Generic
%A Ngan-Tillard, Dominique
%D 2014
%T X-ray microtomography of early Iron Age glass beads
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/X-ray_microtomography_of_early_Iron_Age_glass_beads/12709673/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:a4162b99-5110-4b89-bcc8-68985e7de32f
%K Archeology
%K Iron Age
%K glass
%K micro-CT scans
%K ornaments
%X The data contain X-ray micro-computed tomography scans of two frothy glass beads found in an urn-field in Zutphen, the Netherlands. It contains the raw data and the interpretation. Also included is a short video (mp4 file) with an explanation and animation of the scans.
%I TU Delft