%0 Generic
%A Wang, Sirui
%D 2022
%T Data underlying the manuscript: “Optimizing a multi-echelon location-inventory problem with joint replenishment: a Lipschitz ε-optimal approach using Lagrangian relaxation"
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_manuscript_Optimizing_a_multi-echelon_location-inventory_problem_with_joint_replenishment_a_Lipschitz_-optimal_approach_using_Lagrangian_relaxation_/18865187/2
%R 10.4121/18865187.v2
%K location-inventory problem (LIP)
%K joint replenishment (JR)
%X This is the data repository for manuscript "optimizing a multi-echelon location-inventory problem with joint replenishment: a Lipschitz ε-optimal approach using Lagrangian relaxation".<br>The data repository contains all instances used in our study.<br>The dataset consists in two folders.<br>1) The inputData folder contains all orginal data of numerical instances, <br>2) The outputData folder contains the solutions of instances. <br>The data are all randomly generated and can be used publicly.
%I 4TU.ResearchData