%0 Generic
%A van der Hoeven, Bastiaan
%D 2024
%T Data underlying the master thesis: Passenger Welfare Effects of Relocating High-Speed Rail Stations from City Centres to Outskirts in the European Network
%R 10.4121/1d18caf8-322b-4aa5-b38c-064d063b366a.v1
%K Passenger welfare
%K High-speed rail
%K Relocation
%K Peripheral stations
%K Trans-European Network
%K Combined mode-route choice model
%K Saturation analysis
%X <p>This dataset contains input data, Python code, and results that correspond to the MSc thesis by Bastiaan van der Hoeven (July 2024), which is retrievable in the TU Delft Thesis repository. This study investigates the passenger welfare effects of relocating high-speed rail (HSR) services from city centres to city outskirts in the 2050 European railway network. The dataset allows users to implement a combined route-choice transport model in the context of the 2050 railway network, as proposed by the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) policy. It entails GIS-files (e.g., shapefiles) and spreadsheets that allow the user to run the transport model. The Python script facilitates rail passenger assignment across the future European network, forecasts HSR-station bottlenecks for 2050, and allows for assessing various HSR-service relocation scenarios. Additional details on the dataset can be found in the README.txt file and in the referenced thesis below.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData