%0 Generic
%A Pollack, Tijmen
%D 2024
%T MATLAB/SIMULINK(R) Code and Supporting Data for Analysis of Inversion Strategy on Robustness of IDI-based Control Laws
%R 10.4121/1c3b2fe8-15ee-4c93-9de3-9e5dddaca6a0.v1
%K Flight Control
%K Feedback Linearization
%K INDI Control
%K Robust Control
%X <p>This dataset contains relevant MATLAB/SIMULINK(R) code and supporting data in relation to CHAPTER 2 of the dissertation 'Advances in Dynamic Inversion-based Flight Control Law Design: Multivariable Analysis and Synthesis of Robust and Multi-Objective Design Solutions' by T.S.C. Pollack (2024)<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 250, 234);"> </span>[DOI: 10.4233/uuid:28617ba0-461d-48ef-8437-de2aa41034ea]. It concerns the impact of inversion strategy on the robustness of Incremental Dynamic Inversion (IDI) based control laws against mixed uncertainty. The MATLAB(R) Robust Control Toolbox serves as the main instrument&nbsp;for data generation. For more information, we refer to the respective thesis chapter / publication.</p><p><br></p><p>The following datasets are related:</p><p><br></p><p>1) MATLAB/SIMULINK(R) Code and Supporting Data for Multi-loop Robust Design of INDI-based Flight Control Laws (DOI:  <a href="https://doi.org/10.4121/4a2afa5b-cc72-4ebe-adca-970e2fc0d988" target="_blank"><u>https://doi.org/10.4121/4a2afa5b-cc72-4ebe-adca-970e2fc0d988</u></a>)</p><p>2) MATLAB/SIMULINK(R) Code and Supporting Data for Assessment of Commonalities between Hybrid INDI-based and PID-based Flight Control Design (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/ 10.4121/1c425f5d-943c-4e9c-8c6b-4e026dba20ca" target="_blank"><u>https://doi.org/ 10.4121/1c425f5d-943c-4e9c-8c6b-4e026dba20ca</u></a>)</p><p>3) MATLAB/SIMULINK(R) Code and Supporting Data for Design of Multi-objective Incremental Control Allocation-based Flight Control Laws (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.4121/b265ae09-64ef-4faf-bd77-d18712c11239" target="_blank"><u>https://doi.org/10.4121/b265ae09-64ef-4faf-bd77-d18712c11239</u></a>)</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData