%0 Generic %A Best, Uwe %A van der Wegen, Mick %A Dijkstra, Jasper %A Reyns, Johan %A van Prooijen, Bram %A Roelvink, Dano %D 2022 %T Wave data of Advancing Resilience Measures for Vegetated Coastlines (ARM4VEG), Guyana %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Wave_data_of_Advancing_Resilience_Measures_for_Vegetated_Coastlines_ARM4VEG_Guyana/18131366/1 %R 10.4121/18131366.v1 %K pressure %K water level %K Guyana %K mangroves %K waves %K spectral analysis %X This collection contains data collected during mangrove-mudflat campaign in Guyana, during the PhD Thesis project of Uwe Best. It is being made public both to act as supplementary data for publications and the final PhD thesis document, as well as to allow for open usage by other researchers in their own work.

This dataset includes both the raw and processed data acquired by the six (6) pressure transducers (PTs) and the two (2) Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADVs). Theses instruments were established along the main transect, MB at the Chateau Margot coastline, Guyana. The sampling frequency of the pressure transducers was set to 5 Hz to collect water levels and allow for the extraction of both infragravity waves, and wind-generated waves via a MATLAB script.
Obtained pressure data from the wave sensors were corrected for the atmospheric pressure prior to the conversion to water depths using linear wave theory. The data is pre-processed using filtering, averaging and data correction. Spectral analysis of the obtained wave signal was executed according to the Hegge and Masselink (1996) Fourier analysis scheme, resulting in wave energy density spectra for each burst. %I 4TU.ResearchData