%0 Computer Program
%A Eberle, Franziska
%A Hoeksma, Ruben
%A Megow, Nicole
%A Nölke, Lukas
%A Schewior, Kevin
%A Simon, Betrand
%D 2021
%T Speed Robust Scheduling Supplemental Material
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/software/Speed_Robust_Scheduling_Supplemental_Material/17159216/1
%R 10.4121/17159216.v1
%K Scheduling algorithms
%K Computer assisted proof
%K Data Structures
%K Combinatorial optimization
This supplemental material proves two claims of the main paper named "Speed-Robust Scheduling". It provides a Mathematica sheet and its output, proving the last claim of Lemma 11; a Python script used to certify that for the relevant values of number of machines and unit-size jobs, there exists a 4/3-robust solution (Lemma 15); a compressed data file containing the input of the script check.py; a file with human-readable data.
%I 4TU.ResearchData