%0 Generic %A Lokin, Lieke %D 2022 %T Input dune analysis for: Rive dune dynamics during low flow %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Input_dune_analysis_for_Rive_dune_dynamics_during_low_flow/17134703/1 %R 10.4121/17134703.v1 %K Waal River %K River Dunes %K bed elevation data %K River %K Morphology %X Bed elevation of the centre line of the Waal River (distributary of the Rhine River) between river kilometre points 894 and 911, derived from biweekly Multibeam data covering the fairway of the Waal river. The measurements cover the period from 2011 untill 2020. Z_locations.csv gives the elevation of each point (rows) at each date (columns), MXY_locations.csv contaions to the geographical locations where the first column gives the distance along the line and the second and third columns give X Y coordinates in the RD new geographic reference system (EPSG:28992). dates.csv contains the dates the bed elevations were measured. QTiel-2009_2020_daymean.csv are the daily mean discharges at measurement station Tiel for the period from 1 Jan 2009 up to 31 Dec 2020, this is the discharge gauge closest to the study area within the Waal River..
These data are used to analyse the dunes on the river bed as described in the companion paper. The analysis method is described in the companion paper and the analysis scripts are published separately (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5764363). %I 4TU.ResearchData