%0 Generic %A Jongeneel, Maarten %A Saccon, Alessandro %D 2022 %T Impact Aware Manipulation (I.AM.) archive containing box impact recordings %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Impact_Aware_Manipulation_I_AM_archive_containing_box_impact_recordings/17122553/2 %R 10.4121/17122553.v2 %K Nonsmooth Mechanics %K Robotics %K Impact-aware Manipulation %K Impact %K Collision %K Friction %K Object %K Modeling %X I.AM. archive as part of the Impact-Aware Robotics Archives Collection. This archive contains recordings of experiments that are executed under the scenario of TOSS. In these recordings, a UR10 robot is used to toss and drop boxes on a conveyor belt. The purpose of these experiments is to validate a modeling framework. This modeling framework is used within the H2020 I.AM. project (www.i-am-project.eu) to predict the end pose of a certain box on a conveyor belt, after it is tossed. This means that the involved contact is between the object and the environment, which
in these recordings are different type of boxes and a conveyor, respectively. All the recordings in the archive were performed at the Innovation Lab of Vanderlande, located within the TU/e campus. %I 4TU.ResearchData