%0 Generic
%A Fan, Xinyan
%D 2021
%T Sentinel-2 NDVI time series stack in the province of Overijssel (Netherlands) with cloud masking
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Sentinel-2_NDVI_time_series_stack_in_the_province_of_Overijssel_Netherlands_with_cloud_masking/16610608/1
%R 10.4121/16610608.v1
%K Satellite image stack
%K Time series
%K Cloud mask
%K Overijssel
%K Maize crop land
%K Sentinel-2
%X This dataset is a ready-to-use stack of Sentinel-2 satellite images. It contains the time series of the composite cloud-free NDVI images in the province of Overijssel (Netherlands) during the year 2017-2018
%I 4TU.ResearchData