%0 Generic
%A Pfeiffer, Sven
%A de Wagter, Christophe
%A de Croon, Guido
%D 2021
%T Data underlying the publication: "A Computationally Efficient Moving Horizon Estimator for UWB Localization on Small Quadrotors""
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_A_Computationally_Efficient_Moving_Horizon_Estimator_for_UWB_Localization_on_Small_Quadrotors_/14827680/1
%R 10.4121/14827680.v1
%K UWB Applications
%K State Estimation
%K quadrotor
%K Ultra Wide Band
%K quadrotor localization
%X This Dataset contains the data files used for simulations in the publication "A Computationally Efficient Moving Horizon Estimator for Ultra-Wideband Localization on Small Quadrotors" (2021) by S. Pfeiffer, C. de Wagter and G.C.H.E de Croon.
The logs were collected in two different UWB modes (TWR and TdoA) and on 6 different trajectories (Square, Triangle, Octagon, Hourglass, Star, Random). UWB data was gathered with 8 anchors positioned roughly in the corners of a cube. Two of the files do not contain complete UWB data and are marked with the suffix "_BAD".
The data was recorded on a Crazyflie 2.1 in the TU Delft "Cyberzoo" indoor flight arena using the scripts found at https://github.com/Huizerd/crazyflie-suite. The code used for the simulations in the paper can be found at https://github.com/SUPfeiffer/uwb-simulator.
This dataset contains the following files:- anchor_positions.yaml : This file contains the location of the UWB anchors in Cyberzoo coordinates
- date_time_mode_trajectory.csv : The log files
The log files contain the following fields:
- timeTick : timestamps in ms
- gyroX/gyroY/gyroZ: Gyroscope measurements in deg/s
- accX/accY/accZ: Accelerometer measurments in G (1G = 9.81m/s)
- twri: TWR distance measurement to anchor i
- tdoaij: TdoA measurement from anchors i and j
- otX/otY/otZ: Groundtruth measured by an optitrack motion capture system
%I 4TU.ResearchData