%0 Computer Program %A Reales, Guillermo %D 2025 %T Code underlying: Shape Optimization of Scintillation Crystals through GEANT4 and NSGAII (SO-CRYSTAL) %U %R 10.4121/13c41d39-9fef-4133-906d-59b459bdc650.v1 %K Finite-difference time-domain method %K Genetic algorithms %K Material properties %K Optical coatings %K Radiation detectors %X

This code creates simulations of the impact of Na gamma rays and Muons onto a scintillator crystal based on the MTD-BTL (Minimum Ionizing Particle Detector - Barrel TIming Layer, https://cds.cern.ch/record/2667167/files/CMS-TDR-020.pdf) detector to be installed at the CMS (Compact Muon solenoid) at CERN to estimate its overall light collection depending on the crystal's shape and reflective surfaces. The code works with a NSGAII genetic algorithm to study the shape optimization of the crystals. To use the Gmsh integration use the branch from the git repository: https://github.com/grealesguti/SO-CRYSTAL/tree/g/f/G4asfunction/src/TierII-gmsh

%I 4TU.ResearchData