%0 Generic %A Trad, Khiem %D 2021 %T Calendar ageing test results on commercial 18650 Li ion cell @ 25°C and 45°C %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Calendar_ageing_test_results_on_commercial_18650_Li_ion_cell_25_C_and_45_C/13804304/1 %R 10.4121/13804304.v1 %K Li ion cell %K Ni rich positive electrode %K Si/Gr negative electrode %K Ageing test %X Calendar ageing of Li ion 18650 commercial cell (Ni rich positive electrode and Si/Gr based negative electrode).
Each test condition was applied on two cells.
The cells were aged at different SOC levels and different environmental temperatures.
The ageing test is regularly interrupted to run a reference test.
More details of the ageing tests can be found in the Everlasting deliverable
%I 4TU.ResearchData