%0 Generic
%A Kaleefathullah, Anees
%A Merat, Natasha
%A Mun Lee, Yee
%A Eisma, Yke Bauke
%A Madigan, Ruth
%A Garcia de Pedro, Jorge
%A de Winter, Joost
%D 2021
%T Supplementary materials for the paper: External Human-Machine Interfaces can be misleading: An examination of trust development and misuse in a CAVE-based pedestrian simulation environment.
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Supplementary_materials_for_the_paper_External_Human-Machine_Interfaces_can_be_misleading_An_examination_of_trust_development_and_misuse_in_a_CAVE-based_pedestrian_simulation_environment_/13077797/2
%R 10.4121/13077797.v2
%K Automated Driving
%K Pedestrians
%K Risk Perception
%K Communication
%K Vulnerable Road Users
%X Supplementary data for the paper: Kaleefathullah, A. A., Merat, N., Lee, Y. M., Eisma, Y. B., Madigan, R., Garcia, J., & De Winter, J. C. F. External Human-Machine Interfaces can be misleading: An examination of trust development and misuse in a CAVE-based pedestrian simulation environment. Human Factors.
%I 4TU.ResearchData