%0 Generic %A Suleimani, Elena %A Freymueller, Jeffrey T %D 2020 %T Data in support of the paper "Near-field modeling of the 1964 Alaska tsunami: the role of splay faults and horizontal displacements” %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_in_support_of_the_paper_Near-field_modeling_of_the_1964_Alaska_tsunami_the_role_of_splay_faults_and_horizontal_displacements_/12694622/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:55eb8f74-fdf0-4154-aa6e-21b127fe69cb %K Coseismic slip %K Earthquake %K Splay fault %K Tsunami %X This is data presented in a paper "Near-field modeling of the 1964 Alaska tsunami: the role of splay faults and horizontal displacements" by Elena Suleimani and Jeffrey T. Freymueller %I 4TU.Centre for Research Data