%0 Generic
%A van Bijsterveldt, C.E.J. (Celine)
%A van Wesenbeeck, B.K. (Bregje)
%A van der Wal, D. (Daphne)
%A Afiati, N. (Norma)
%A Pribadi, R. (Rudhi)
%A Brown, B. (Benjamin)
%A Bouma, T.J. (Tjeerd)
%D 2020
%T Data presented in the paper “How to restore mangroves for greenbelt creation along eroding coasts with abandoned aquaculture ponds”
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_presented_in_the_paper_How_to_restore_mangroves_for_greenbelt_creation_along_eroding_coasts_with_abandoned_aquaculture_ponds_/12694253/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:522c81ad-e989-4374-8ac9-10367c6d4b23
%K Aquaculture
%K Coastal erosion
%K Ecosystem rehabilitation
%K Foreshore
%K Mangrove establishment
%K Mangrove greenbelt
%K Mangrove retreat
%X The aim of this dataset was to investigate (1) what processes are the key-drivers that facilitate or hamper mangrove colonization in abandoned aquaculture ponds and (2) which factors drive expansion or retreat at the seaward mangrove front. The dataset consists of data collected in abandoned aquaculture ponds and data collected at seafront sites. The pond datasets only contains field data, whereas the seafront dataset also contains GIS derived data for wave exposure parameters and mangrove tree response. Field data for both the pond dataset and the seasite dataset were collected from a mangrove mud coast that has been converted to aquaculture ponds located in Demak, Indonesia during a field campaign of 6 weeks in August and September 2015. The GIS derived data were extracted from two Sentinel-2 satellite images captured at low tide before the wet season directly after the field campaign (-24 cm relative to MSL on 7 Oct 2015) and after the wet season three months later (-23 cm relative to MSL on 15 January 2016). Field data were collected in small transects running through 11 separate ponds for the pond dataset and from mudflat to mangrove at 10 seafront sites. Data were collected at stations every three meters along each transect. We measured water depth, a range of soil parameters (pH, redox potential, sulphide concentration in porewater, median grain size, water content, organic carbon content, bulk density and shear strength) and seedling density of Avicennia spp. at each station. GIS parameters were extracted from the two classified sentinel images (classes: vegetation, water, mudflat at low tide) at each station making use of hand held gps coordinates. GIS parameters per station include mangrove response variables (shift in mangrove border before and after the wet season), and wave exposure related parameters in the form of sheltering features in north west direction (the dominant wind direction during the monsoon) from the mangrove border (mudflat width, chenier width, maximum shelter width, wind fetch).
%I 4TU.Centre for Research Data