%0 Generic
%A Buijs, J.C.A.M.
%D 2013
%T Loan application example, configuration 3
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Loan_application_example_configuration_3/12707486/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:8f235ec3-7dab-4c29-8f54-118da6d50e49
%K 000 Computer science, knowledge & systems
%K IEEE Task Force on Process Mining
%K synthetic event logs
%X Loan application example, configuration 3
Parent item:
Loan application example
A collection of artificial event logs describing 4 variants of a simple loan application process. Variant 1 is the most complex process with parallelism and choices. The other 3 variants have a simpler, more sequential, control flow and some activities of variant 1 are missing or split into 2. These event logs are used to test different approaches of discovering a configurable process model from a collection of event logs.
%I Eindhoven University of Technology