%0 Generic
%A Ate Poortinga, 
%A Jan Van Minnen, 
%A Riksen, M.J.P.M. (Michel)
%A Manuel Seeger, 
%D 2013
%T Measuring fast-temporal sediment fluxes with an analogue acoustic sensor: a wind tunnel study
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Measuring_fast-temporal_sediment_fluxes_with_an_analogue_acoustic_sensor_a_wind_tunnel_study/12705839/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:7f4c6e00-4e51-4dc3-a304-57fc2f7f3b19
%K Aeolian sediment transport
%K Efficiency
%K Fast-temporal
%K Sediment catcher
%K acoustic sampler
%X Research objective
In this study, we test two passive traps (BEST sampler and MWAC sampler) and one acoustic device (saltiphone) in an aeolian sand wind tunnel to investigate how the experimental setup and the subsequent data processing affect the quantification of the aeolian sand flux.
Type of research: Empirical research
Method of data collection: Wind tunnel experiments
Data comprises:
- Wind velocity
- Mass transport per height for different samplers
- Analogue output of Saltiphone
- Mass measured by balance
%I Wageningen University