%0 Generic
%A van Voorst tot Voorst, Berend
%D 2023
%T Walking times with passenger attributes in Beurs metro station (Data underlying master thesis: "Analysing and modelling of influencing attributes on transfer walking times for metro transfers")
%R 10.4121/0aa80e75-b6e8-4eff-bf15-8e22e8ad8a11.v1
%K walking time
%K walking characteristics
%K metro transfer
%K metro transfer walk
%K walking behaviour
%K movement in station
%X <p>This set contains raw data of the walking times on a segment level in Beurs metro station, Rotterdam. The data is part of the TU Delft master thesis: "Analysing and modelling of influencing attributes on transfer walking times for metro transfers", which also contains the data collection methodology and results of the data analysis from this data. Besides the walking time, certain passenger attributes have also been collected.</p><p><br></p><p>The folder contains three files:</p><ol><li>README file with further information and instructions.</li><li>PDF file showing the station layout and used segment boundaries.</li><li>Excel file with the walking time and passenger attributes collected per segment on each sheet.</li></ol><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Besides the author, the following persons are co-authors of the data.</p><p>Dr. ir. Winnie Daamen (w.daamen@tudelft.nl)</p><p>Dr. ir. Yufei Yuan (y.yuan@tudelft.nl)</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData