%0 Generic %A Nava Guerrero, G.d.C. (Graciela) %D 2016 %T Engineering: Building with Nature 101x video #11 - Peer Review of the Building with Nature Design Assignment %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Engineering_Building_with_Nature_101x_video_11_-_Peer_Review_of_the_Building_with_Nature_Design_Assignment/12713846/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:b9dbb185-0c94-46e1-af71-c51f860c8c2f %K Building with Nature %K Coastal and Water management %K Coastal governance %K Ecological design principles %K Ecological engineering %K Ecological processes %K Ecosystem services %K Ecosystem-based design %K Engineering design principals %K Engineering design process %X This is video #11 :Peer Review of the Building with Nature Design Assignment in the series of 11 videos. Video material forming a component of a Massive Open Online Course Engineering: Building with Nature 101x on the EDx platform about ecosystem-based, integrated design of hydraulic infrastructures. 11 videos in total, introducing Building with Nature and why it is important, and dealing with Building with Nature as a worldwide trend, the engineering design process, designing storm surge barriers, designing dikes, distilling engineering design principles, distilling ecological design principles, the Building with Nature design process, the Building with Nature design assignment and the peer review process. Parent item: Engineering: Building with Nature 101x: series of 11 videos Video material forming a component of a Massive Open Online Course ‘Engineering: Building with Nature 101x’ on the EDx platform about ecosystem-based, integrated design of hydraulic infrastructures. 11 videos in total, introducing ‘Building with Nature’ and why it is important, dealing with ‘Building with Nature’ as a worldwide trend, the engineering design process, designing storm surge barriers, designing dikes, distilling engineering design principles, distilling ecological design principles, the Building with Nature design process, the Building with Nature design assignment and the peer review process. %I TU Delft