%0 Generic
%A Correa Anguita, Malaquias
%A van der Meer, Reinier
%A Zichang, Huang
%A Qu, Dongxue
%A Hooijschuur, Peter
%A Liu, Hongguang
%A Han, Muxin
%A Renema, Jelmer
%A Cohen, Lior
%D 2023
%T Data underlying the publication: Experimental Simulation of Loop Quantum Gravity on a Photonic Chip
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Experimental_Simulation_of_Loop_Quantum_Gravity_on_a_Photonic_Chip/22117049
%R 10.4121/22117049.v1
%K Quantum Gravity
%K Loop quantum gravity
%K Quantum optics,
%K Integrated photonics
%K quantum Simulations
%X <p>All the data and processing scripts required to generate each of the figures listed on the article.</p><p><br></p><p>This repository is subdivided into 4 different subfolders, each one corresponding to a figure of the main text. The necessary data and scripts to reproduce each figure are included here, as well as README files describing how to run the scripts.&nbsp;</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData