cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "<p>Dataset containing the sediment sampling data of the June 2017 and October 2017 research cruise to Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.</p>
<p>This dataset holds information on:</p>
<p>- sediment grain size distribution along the transect</p>
<p>- sediment profiling imagery (SPI) images</p>
<p>- ripple profiling sonar data from the instrument mounted on the TU lander at 4km offshore.</p>"
  - family-names: Hendriks
    given-names: Erik
    orcid: ""
title: "Sediment characteristics data underlying the publication: How small-scale bedforms bury fines in a sandy seabed"
version: 1
  - type: doi
    value: 10.4121/19786231.v1
license: CC BY 4.0
date-released: 2022-05-23