cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "
The FreightBooking game was conducted as part of the Trans-SONIC project,
funded by The Dutch Research Council (NWO).
The FreightBooking game is played with 4 different groups and organized as such.
- Group A: Gaming experts
- Group B: Master student, MBA Students with expertise in logistics, and supply chain. Some have work experience in the field
- Group C: Master students with expertise in supply chain networks and serious games
- Group D: Master students with expertise in game design
For the study, two questionnaires were designed and analyzed (one pre-game questionnaire and one post-game questionnaire).
- Pre-game questionniare included items to measure participants' usage of platforms in daily-life, the risk they perceived and their work experience.
- Post-game questionnaire included items to meausre participants' game play (i.e., decisions during the game), game experience and disposition to trust.
The pre- and post-game questionnaires were combined with the gameplay data.
The gameplay data consists of:
- GamePlayData. This type of dataset is used to analyze the gameplay.
The dataset contains Per group the pre- and post-game questionnaire (PDF and .csv files), GamePlay data (fully anonymized, .csv files)
Additionally, zipfiles were created of the FreightBooking game: