cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "This dataset contains data used to compare tsunami sedimentary geological data from Salgados beach, Portugal with the results of Delft3D-FLOW mathematical modeling using different bibliographic tectonic sources. The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge about the source of 1755 Lisbon earthquake." authors: - family-names: Dourado given-names: Francisco orcid: "" - family-names: Costa given-names: P.J.M. (Pedro) orcid: "" title: "Data of tsunami and sediment transportation in Salgados, Portugal of the 1755 earthquake" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/uuid:99cf3b07-43e4-4a3b-986b-835811aad485 license: CC0 date-released: 2019-11-25