cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "Orthophotos and LiDAR measurements with a gridded resolution of 0.25 m are performed resulting in a digital elevation model (DEM) of the mudflats and salt marshes northeast of the Mud Motor. These measurements provide insight in the overall bed level changes of the mudflats near Koehoal which could partly be attributed to the effect of the Mud Motor. Available data: T0, taken on 8-10 Oktober 2015 (only Orthophoto) T1, taken on the 6th February 2017 T2, taken on the 23th August 2017 T3: taken on the 21st August 2018 Data contains "tif" files including the DEM and Orthophotos and "pdf" files including the measurement reports. Data can be loaded using GIS based software (Qgis, Arcgis)." authors: - family-names: Shore given-names: - family-names: Wageningen University & Research given-names: - family-names: Deltares given-names: title: "Orthophotos and Lidar measurements of the mudflats and salt marshes near Koehool northeast of the Mud Motor" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/uuid:56c519da-9bed-4d4d-b6f8-23511a5ca5e8 license: CC0 date-released: 2019-12-04