cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "I.AM. archive as part of the Impact-Aware Robotics Archives Collection. This archive contains recordings of experiments that are executed under the
scenario of TOSS. In these recordings, a UR10 robot is used to manipulate a plastic plate, loaded with different weights, using a suction-cup end-effector under vacuum. The
purpose of these experiments is to validate a modeling framework of the suction-cup. This modeling framework is used
the H2020 I.AM. project ( to predict the end pose
of a certain box on a conveyor belt, after it is tossed.
This means that the involved contact is between the robot and the object, which
these recordings are the UR10 and a plastic plate, respectively. All the recordings in the
archive were performed at the Innovation Lab of Vanderlande, located
within the TU/e campus."
- family-names: Jongeneel
given-names: Maarten
orcid: ""
- family-names: Saccon
given-names: Alessandro
orcid: ""
- family-names: Peeters
given-names: Giel
title: "Impact Aware Manipulation (I.AM.) archive containing suction cup recordings"
version: 1
- type: doi
value: 10.4121/17041043.v1
license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
date-released: 2021-12-14