cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "<p>This dataset supports Jisiwei Luo's PhD dissertation. It contains supplementary information that has not been published in the articles related to this dissertation. This dataset includes 1) Aspen Plus simulation sheets and Python scripts used to generate results and 2) Excel files enclosing data underlying all the figures and tables. The compressed folder is composed of folders corresponding to the main chapters of this dissertation, and there is a readme document for each chapter.</p>"
  - family-names: Luo
    given-names: Jisiwei
    orcid: ""
title: "Data underlying the PhD dissertation: Feasibility of Flexible CO2 Conversion Technologies Powered by Renewable Electricity"
version: 2
  - type: doi
    value: 10.4121/d7c9c167-c04b-4b6b-83cd-3d2da3790736.v2
license: CC BY 4.0
date-released: 2024-09-02