cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "Experimental data of scale experiments performed at the beach to determine the effect of building configurations on the deposition patterns around buildings.
Experiments were performed with scale models of 0.5x1x0.5m (WxLxH), placed at the beach for approximately 1 day. Aspects examined are:- Building orientation to the wind- Building spacing- Combinations of building orientation and spacing- Effect of pile heigt for buildings on piling- Effect of building group size
Deposition and erosion around buildings are measured using structure-from motion (SfM) photogrammetry. Data contains:- Raw photos used for SfM photogrammetry- Photogrammetry files- Digital elavation models (DEMs) and orthophotos of the deposition and erosion around scale models.- Time lapses of the the experiments- Wind speed and direction measurements- The length of the downwind deposition tails for the experiment on the effect of the building orientation to the wind
- family-names: Poppema
given-names: Daan
orcid: ""
- family-names: Wijnberg
given-names: Kathelijne M.
- family-names: Mulder
given-names: Jan P.M.
- family-names: Hulscher
given-names: S.J.M.H. (Suzanne)
orcid: ""
title: "Experimental data of Deposition patterns around buildings at the beach: effects of building spacing and orientation"
version: 3
- type: doi
value: 10.4121/16860145.v3
license: CC BY 4.0
date-released: 2022-01-14