cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "COMSOL model, MATLAB codes and data belonging to the publication: A.S. Haase, J.A. Wood, R.G.H. Lammertink, J.H. Snoeijer, Why bumpy is better: The role of the dissipation distribution in slip flow over a bubble mattress. Phys. Rev. Fluids 1, 54101 (2016)."
  - family-names: Haase
    given-names: A. Sander
    orcid: ""
  - family-names: Wood
    given-names: J.A. (Jeffery)
    orcid: ""
  - family-names: Lammertink
    given-names: Rob
    orcid: ""
  - family-names: Snoeijer
    given-names: J.H. (Jacco)
title: "Why bumpy is better: The role of the dissipation distribution in slip flow over a bubble mattress"
version: 1
  - type: doi
    value: 10.4121/uuid:ec4d3ce5-0da2-430c-ba3b-89b0e1e65d02
license: 4TU General Terms of Use
date-released: 2017-01-19