cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "Growth performance was analyzed by combining information on individual growth based on otolith daily ring analysis with predictions of maximum growth (= under optimal food conditions) based on a Dynamic Energy Budget model. This research is a combination of collected field data, otolith microstructure analysis and the theoretical growth was calculated by means of four DEB model equations based on the Von Bertalanffy growth model. The enclosed data consist of the collected field data, calculated theoretical growth over time, and calculated realized growth (RG, dimensionless), defined as the ratio between observed size and DEB-predicted maximum size under optimal food conditions." authors: - family-names: Poiesz given-names: S.S.H. (Suzanne) orcid: "" - family-names: de Vries given-names: A. (Anne) - family-names: Cardoso given-names: J.F.M.F. (Joana) - family-names: Witte given-names: J.I.J. (Johannes) - family-names: van der Veer given-names: H.W. (Henk) orcid: "" - family-names: Freitas given-names: V. (VĂ¢nia) orcid: "" title: "Data presented in the paper "A comparison of growth in two juvenile flatfish species in the Dutch Wadden Sea: searching for a mechanism for summer growth reduction in flatfish nurseries"" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/uuid:cc7b811b-ce33-4b43-a766-de87f80f96d4 license: CC0 date-released: 2018-11-08