cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "
Data and software supporting the manuscript ‘Entangling remote qubits using the single-photon protocol: an in-depth theoretical and experimental study’.
The files include:
- All underlying processed data, saved into hdf5 files using xarray
- Jupyter notebooks to replot the figures and create the fits of the data when applicable.
- Pipfile containing all the necessary python packages
- Numerical model to simulate entangled states. (Python)
- Numerical model to simulate double excitation probability (MATLAB)
- family-names: Hermans
given-names: Sophie
orcid: ""
- family-names: dos Santos Martins
given-names: Laura
- family-names: Pompili
given-names: Matteo
orcid: ""
- family-names: Rodriguez-Pardo Montblanch
given-names: Alejandro
- family-names: Beukers
given-names: Hans
- family-names: Baier
given-names: Simon
- family-names: Borregaard
given-names: Johannes
- family-names: Hanson
given-names: Ronald
title: "Supporting Data for 'Entangling remote qubits using the single-photon protocol: an in-depth theoretical and experimental study'"
version: 1
- type: doi
value: 10.4121/20488854.v1
license: CC0
date-released: 2022-08-22