cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "data concerning spatial configuration of mussels : percentage cover, perimeter area ratio measured from images of cages using imageJ. Number of predators (carbs, birds) observed in the same set of images. Data on mussels condition (size, mass and condition index) for all mussels found in cores taken inside cages. the total number of mussels in cores and equivalent mussel/cm2 is reported. For each cage the density and mesh treatment are written.
- family-names: Bertolini
given-names: Camilla
orcid: ""
- family-names: Capelle
given-names: J.J. (Jacob)
orcid: ""
- family-names: Ter Veld
given-names: Jasper
- family-names: Van de Koppel
given-names: Johan
- family-names: Bouma
given-names: T.J. (Tjeerd)
orcid: ""
title: "Data from the study presented in the paper 'Understanding scales of density-dependence to improve the use of resources in benthic mussel aquaculture'"
version: 1
- type: doi
value: 10.4121/14038970.v1
license: CC0
date-released: 2021-02-17