cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "
This dataset is an integral part of the research presented in the paper titled "Accounting for Uncertainties in Forecasting Tropical Cyclone-Induced Compound Flooding" (TC-FF). It encompasses a comprehensive collection of data and model setups used in our study, to facilitate further research and understanding in this area.
The contents of this dataset include:
This dataset is intended to complement the findings and discussions presented in our paper, offering a deeper insight into the methodologies and analyses employed. We believe it will be a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working in the field of meteorology, hydrology, and disaster risk management.
" authors: - family-names: Nederhoff given-names: Kees orcid: "" - family-names: van Ormondt given-names: Maarten - family-names: Veeramony given-names: Jay - family-names: Van Dongeren given-names: Ap orcid: "" - family-names: AntolĂnez given-names: Jose - family-names: Leijnse given-names: Tim - family-names: Roelvink given-names: Dano title: "Model Data for 'Accounting for Uncertainties in Forecasting Tropical Cyclone-Induced Compound Flooding' (TC-FF)" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/a5174397-3489-4f5d-b220-6749f3750942.v1 license: CC0 date-released: 2024-01-30