cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "A Field-Operational-Test (FOT) with CACC vehicles and wireless communication with intelligent intersections on arterial roads was performed in autumn 2018, initiated by the Province of Noord-Holland in The Netherlands. The goal of the pilot was to demonstrate the feasibility of CACC platooning and V2I/I2V (infrastructure-to-vehicle) communication and investigate the potential effects on traffic flow and safety in such an urban environment. During the pilot, seven CACC-enabled vehicles traversed a provincial road corridor, crossing five intelligent intersections, sending Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) and receiving time-to-green information from Intelligent Traffic Signals (iTS)." authors: - family-names: Calvert given-names: Simeon orcid: "" title: "CACC Field Operational Test 2018 Noord Holland; cooperative and automated driving for intelligent traffic signal corridors" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/uuid:4e3a3f36-0d55-4a84-b21e-214a014bb3f0 license: CC0 date-released: 2020-10-01