cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "

Artifact for paper (First Steps towards Deductive Verification of LLVM IR) submitted to FASE '24 conference. For a full description on how to use the artifact, please see the file. The artifact contains a VM with the VCLLVM tool and documentation.

Abstract of paper

Over the last years, deductive program verifiers have substantially improved, and their applicability on non-trivial applications

has been demonstrated. However, a major bottleneck is that for every new programming language, a new deductive verifier has to be built.

This paper describes the first steps in a project that aims to address this problem, by developing language-agnostic support for deductive verification: Rather than building a deductive program verifier for every new programming language, we develop deductive program verification technology for a widely-used intermediate representation language (LLVM IR), such that we eventually get verification support for any new language that can be compiled into the LLVM IR format.

Concretely, this paper describes the design of VCLLVM, a prototype tool that adds LLVM IR as a supported language to the VerCors verifier. We discuss the challenges that have to be addressed to develop verification support for such a low-level language. Moreover, we also sketch how we envisage to build verification support for any specified source program that can be compiled into LLVM IR on top of VCLLVM.

" authors: - family-names: Şakar given-names: Ömer orcid: "" - family-names: van Oorschot given-names: Dré - family-names: Huisman given-names: Marieke orcid: "" title: "Artifact for paper (First Steps towards Deductive Verification of LLVM IR)" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/9c8c079e-a941-4a66-89d8-3462bf30ff05.v1 license: MPL 2.0 date-released: 2024-01-11