cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "

Please read the README.txt for latest information and installation instructions.

This repository contains the data and code to plot the figures of the

manuscript called "Metropolitan-scale heralded entanglement of solid-state qubits".

The data contains:

Every folder contains the data pertaining to the name of the folder.

Some are grouped due to their plot being in the main text as well as

corresponding (raw, sweep, etc.) data in the supplementary materials.

Every figure set has a self-contained jupyter notebook, that in combination with the data,

will generate all the figures in line and save the output in './output' as pdf.

Figures related to the supplementary materials are preceded by 'S'.

" authors: - family-names: Stolk given-names: Arian - family-names: Van der Enden given-names: K.L. (Kian) orcid: "" - family-names: Slater given-names: Marie-Christine - family-names: te Raa given-names: Ingmar - family-names: Botma given-names: Pieter - family-names: van Rantwijk given-names: Joris - family-names: Biemond given-names: J.J.B. (Benjamin) - family-names: Hagen given-names: R.A.J. (Ronald) - family-names: Herfst given-names: R.W. (Rodolf) - family-names: Koek given-names: W.D. (Wouter) title: "Data and software supporting the publication: Metropolitan-scale heralded entanglement of solid-state qubits" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/983e4771-1d12-457f-a98e-fab3a2959288.v1 license: CC BY 4.0 date-released: 2024-05-14