cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "Database of Pan-African seaports and their (physical) characteristics derived from Satellite Imagery. The database consists of 161 seaports with information on port construction date, coastline orientation, shore-normal breakwater length, longshore wave power, presence of nearby sediment sources and sinks, sheltering setting, presence of coastal protection structures, and adjacent beach changes." authors: - family-names: de Boer given-names: Wiebe orcid: "" - family-names: Mao given-names: Y. (Yongjing) - family-names: Hagenaars given-names: G. (Gerben) - family-names: de Vries given-names: S. (Sierd) orcid: "" - family-names: Slinger given-names: Jill orcid: "" - family-names: Vellinga given-names: T. (Tiedo) title: "Pan-African Seaports Database" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/uuid:183697fc-afe2-4607-be0a-e63a042ff628 license: CC BY 4.0 date-released: 2019-05-22