cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "This is a collection of the 406 benchmark instances described in the linked publication, as well as a Python implementation of the described solution methods The goal of this entry is to ensure reproducibility of the results in the paper mentioned above. (Huizing, D., Schäfer, G., van der Mei, R., Bhulai, S. (2019). The Median Routing Problem for simultaneous planning of emergency response and non-emergency jobs.)" authors: - family-names: Huizing given-names: Dylan orcid: "" title: "Benchmarks and code underlying the publication: The Median Routing Problem for simultaneous planning of emergency response and non-emergency jobs" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/uuid:198decce-ec0b-4469-ae48-d8fb3f1837bd license: MIT date-released: 2019-06-11