cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "
The data and Matlab code can be found that support the findings of the master's thesis "Evaluation of the handling of a variable dynamics tilting tricycle".
The objective of the experimental study is to find the configuration of the tilt mechanism of the Dressel tilting tricycle with the optimal handling performance. The matlab code is used to calculate the handling performance from raw data, obtained by gyroscopes. A slalom manoeuvre and a low-speed line following manoeuvre have been performed and the code supplies the processing methods of the data. The results of the repeated trials can be found in the datasets. Also the velocity of the different vehicles can be found in the datasets. Another matlab file is present that was used to optimize the dimensions of the tilt mechanism for a larger tilt limit with a simplified model of the tricycle.
" authors: - family-names: van Willigen given-names: Floris title: "Data and code for the master thesis: Evaluation of the handling of a variable dynamics tilting tricycle" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/7571da71-6844-411b-9a3e-aefb4ef2c19c.v1 license: CC0 date-released: 2023-06-16