cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "This dataset contains the video recordings associated with the publication. In the video, one CMUT element is exernally biased with a DC bias source, which is swept between 0 and 130 V and vice-versa. It can be seen that CMUTs go into collapse when the external DC bias voltage is higher than the collapse voltage (multiple rings of interference pattern appears at CMUTs cells, indicating a larger deflection profile). It can also be seen that not all the CMUT cells go into collapse and out-of-collapse at the same time." authors: - family-names: Saccher given-names: Marta orcid: "" - family-names: Kawasaki given-names: Shinnosuke - family-names: Dekker given-names: Ronald title: "Video recording associated with the publication: The long-term reliability of pre-charged CMUTs for the powering of deep implanted devices" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/16635193.v1 license: CC0 date-released: 2021-09-22