cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "<p>Collection of plotting scripts and data required to recreate the results plots in the publication.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Plotting</strong></p><p>The main plotting script is called <em>Evaluate_long_cases.m </em>and calls the remaining functions.</p><p>Open this file and step through it to generate various plots used and not used in the paper.</p><p>Note that some scripts rely on user-defined inputs, e.g., the turbine index.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Data</strong></p><p>The plotting relies on the unaltered data in the folder "HKN_12_to_15h_data", which is a compressed file.</p><p>The data of the disturbed cases also contains the wind direction measurements of the past 1-min averaged probes, as well as the then corrected data from the Ensemble Kalman Filter. There is further a small selection of cases not used in the publication, like a preview-enabled version of the shifted approach.</p><p><u>Disclaimer</u>: Through a settings mistake, the data of the<em> CLC, 500s ph, noise-free</em> controller is 1 s too short. The script gives a warning and extrapolates with a constant last value.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>FLORIDyn Settings</strong></p><p>The closed-loop cases have a folder in the data called "Settings", which defines the closed-loop settings for the controller, EnKF, FLORIDyn, and FLORIS. This is needed to employ the same controller as used in the presented simulations. More details about running FLORIDyn simulations (stand-alone and in closed-loop) can be found with the Matlab software, see doi 10.4121/038777f7-f497-494f-9f61-85d90a00074a</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Look-up Table</strong></p><p>The LuT is given with as "HKN_LuT_orientation.csv", and is plotted at the end of the <em>Evaluate_long_cases.m</em> script.</p><p>The case data also contains a 2-deg case run with a LuT generated by NREL's FLORIS: "off_db2deg_ki0-01"</p>"
  - family-names: Becker
    given-names: Marcus
    orcid: ""
title: "Data belonging to the publication: Closed-loop model-predictive wind farm flow control under time-varying inflow using FLORIDyn"
version: 1
  - type: doi
    value: 10.4121/63fa3d6c-6bd2-4efe-9548-ddcaf1bfbeb9.v1
license: GPL-3.0
date-released: 2024-12-16