cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "

The dataset contains children's eye gaze behaviour during child-robot interactions with a NAO robot, in the form of text files describing the gaze state per video frame, as well as audio recordings and transcriptions to text of post-child-robot-interaction interviews between researcher and child. Information gained from the post-interaction interviews is used to partition and label the gaze states into a (final) machine-readable dataset.

" authors: - family-names: Nikkels given-names: Lucile - family-names: Oertel given-names: Catharine - family-names: Neerincx given-names: Mark A. - family-names: Burger given-names: Franziska orcid: "" title: "Memorable moments and eye gaze state during cHRI, audio recordings and transcriptions of post-interaction interviews" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/583cece5-be22-4348-9c33-7149e6007bed.v1 license: Restrictive Licence date-released: 2023-09-07