cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "

This project investigates the data donation experience of 22 people who donated their data collected by the Google Voice Assistant (i.e. speech records) via a digital data donation platform. They participated in a semi-structured interview where they explored and contextualized their data, represented visually. The dataset includes the interview protocol, the visual representation of the data, and the thematic structure of the results.

" authors: - family-names: Gómez Ortega given-names: Alejandra orcid: "" title: "Data underlying the paper: "Beyond Data Transactions: A Framework for Meaningfully Informed Data Donation." Included in Chapter 4 of the PhD thesis: Sensitive Data Donation " keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/520e9c5a-d137-4570-8e3f-d890d4b33521.v1 license: CC BY 4.0 date-released: 2024-02-29