cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "The folder contains all matlab files, origin files, excel files, figures related to our publication named "Understanding Mono- and Bivalent Ion Selectivities of Nanoporous Graphene Using Ionic and Bi-ionic Potentials" published in Langmuir (2020,36,26,7400-7407). Description of each data set is also provided in a word file." authors: - family-names: Ghosh given-names: Mandakranta orcid: "" - family-names: Madauß given-names: Lukas - family-names: Schleberger given-names: Marika - family-names: Lebius given-names: Henning - family-names: Benyagoub given-names: Abdenacer - family-names: Wood given-names: Jeffery A. - family-names: Lammertink given-names: Rob orcid: "" title: "Data for the article entitled: Understanding Mono- and Bivalent Ion Selectivities of Nanoporous Graphene Using Ionic and Bi-ionic Potentials" keywords: version: 2 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/14130098.v2 license: CC0 date-released: 2021-03-08