cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "This file contains 1424 household responses to two scales. First, the demographic scale results for the Solotvyno household survey. The demographic household survey contained the following variables:1) Age; 2)Sex; 3) Family type; 4) Religion; 5) Ethnic Origin; 6) Education; 7) Housing; 8) Annual income (in USD); 9) Years of stay; 10) Housing Type; 11) Living Situation and 12) disability. 

Second, the results from the Solotvyno Municipality Place Attachment scale. Place attachment is the emotional bond between individuals, groups, or communities, and their physical environments. In the recent past, the connectedness of people to their environment and whether it has an effect on disaster risk preparedness and reduction has been a key to scientific research. This research assesses the extent to which the Solotvyno community are attached to the municipality and whether the place attachment provides a sense of security and comfort, that may be real or false comfort and
a security that may stop them from taking the necessary actions to be prepared in case there is a disaster."
  - family-names: Onencan
    given-names: Abby
    orcid: ""
title: "ImProDiReT Place Attachment Household Survey"
version: 1
  - type: doi
    value: 10.4121/uuid:9be61186-7471-49e4-b672-d5f286d4289b
license: CC BY-NC 4.0
date-released: 2020-10-22