cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "Full unedited recordings used for the determination of the velocity of a moving source with constant speed, as well as the edited videos, converted WAV files and edited WAV audio files used for data analysis.
Audio is either marked as cut, corresponding to the raw audio conversion from the trimmed videos, or as data_collection, corresponding to the edited audio files from which the data used for the analysis was extracted.
Videos are either only marked by the used frequency, velocity and distance, corresponding to the full unedited videos, or as cut, corresponding to the videos trimmed from the starting point to the endpoint used in the analysis.
The initially obtained csv and xls diles from the Phyphox app are also published, for completeness. This data wasn't used for further analysis however, due to it's unreliability.
Furthermore, the data analysis performed in Python has been attached as an .ipynb file.
Finally, individual plots of the obtained data, with its corresponding uncertainty, have been uploaded as .pdf files. These plots also contain the fitted theoretical function, as a grey dotted line.

" authors: - family-names: Lücken given-names: Luciano - family-names: Feldmann given-names: Felice - family-names: Pauw given-names: Thim title: "Data used during the 'Introduction to experimentation' final project: Bepaling van de snelheid gedurende een eenparig rechtlijnige beweging middels het Dopplereffect." keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/19090034.v1 license: CC BY 4.0 date-released: 2022-01-31