cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "

This repository contains processed CFD data required to recreate figures 2 and 3 of the publication: A realistic arteriovenous dialysis graft model for hemodynamic simulations. All data is stored in XDMF/H5 format and can be visualized using scientific visualization software such as paraview ( The 3D geometries used for this study can be extracted from the result files.

The data is structured as follows:

* Simulation: Simulation results root folder


    * Realistic: contains all CFD results of the realistic geometry


        * flow_metrics: contains all time-averaged derived cfd metrics

            3D representations of the wall shear derived metrics are stored in the files below. For the paper only "OSI", "WSS_MAX" and "TAWSS" are used. Other included metrics include the minimal WSS ("WSS_MIN") and the relative residence time ("RRT")

            * pt01iBlock_wss_metrics.xdmf/h5: (corresponding to the ZF-DB boundary condition in the manuscript)

            * pt01iZCRCZ_wss_metrics.xdmf/h5: (corresponding to the AVCE-DB boundary condition in the manuscript)

            * pt01iZCRCZR_wss_metrics.xdmf/h5: (corresponding to the AVCE-DB boundary condition in the manuscript)

            3D representations of turbulence metrics are stored in the files below. Root-mean-square magnitude of high frequency velocity perturbations are quantified using the data field "TSI"

            * turbulenceBlock.xdmf/h5 (corresponding to the ZF-DB boundary condition in the manuscript)

            * turbulenceZCRCZ.xdmf/h5 (corresponding to the AVCE-DB boundary condition in the manuscript)

            * turbulenceZCRCZR.xdmf/h5 (corresponding to the AVCE-DB boundary condition in the manuscript)

    * Idealized: contains all CFD results of the idealized geometry. Same folder structure as Realistic

" authors: - family-names: Quicken given-names: Sjeng orcid: "" - family-names: Mees given-names: Barend M. E. - family-names: Zonnebeld given-names: Niek orcid: "" - family-names: Tordoir given-names: Jan H. M. - family-names: Huberts given-names: Wouter - family-names: Delhaas given-names: Tammo orcid: "" title: "Data underlying the publication: A realistic arteriovenous dialysis graft model for hemodynamic simulations" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/20131736.v1 license: CC BY 4.0 date-released: 2022-06-24